Monday, November 1, 2010

Memory Mondays

So I thought for this month, maybe I'll try a theme for the blog. Since looking at old photos is one of my favorite things to do, I can post a pic each Monday and talk about it. For starters, here is Elisa last November. I can't believe this was only a year ago...We were just settling into our new apartment and loving all the space the extra bedroom afforded us. Elisa was walking all over and really starting to engage and babble about everything. All that personality was bubbling up and we were enjoying our park visits and outings a lot more. She was still napping twice a day, and loved being rocked in our arms just before bedtime. (FYI, I tried doing that last night after a long hiatus and she wanted nothing of it!) I didn't know it then, but that would be my last month juggling work and childcare. All those days rushing to and fro, trying to keep my life in balance and yet losing myself in the process. I remember times sitting in the apartment playing with her on the floor of her room and wishing it would never end. As my baby gave way to a toddler, I was feeling more like the mother I wanted to become.

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