Saturday, July 30, 2011

Still cookin'

Yes, I'm still pregnant. Despite my better efforts to walk myself into labor this week, I'm still almost a week away from my due date (8/4/11) and haven't had any steady signs of impending labor. Fortunately, though, both my mom and Nacho's mom made it in to town this week so anytime is a good time to go. If I could will it to start, it would have happened. But no such luck. So instead, we made it to a BBQ-turned-indoor pizza party on Friday night and to our neighbor Skylar's 3rd birthday party at the park today. The superheroes and princesses were in full regalia...
Trying to keep cool in the 90 degree weather was much easier in the shade of the park, and really, that's all I can ask for now. It's too boring to stay at home, but I definitely feel like I'm more reluctant to get out too far. No city trips, except for the doctor visits, for me right now. Baby clothes have been washed up and I'm practically packed, so let's see what the next few days bring. Hopefully, we'll have some news and I'll get to sigh that incredible breath after labor is over. That's what I'm focusing on now. Just waiting and looking forward to the relief of this pregnancy being over. It's been fun, but I'll be so glad when it's over. We have a baby to meet and a blog to rename. Let's get crackin'!


Kate said...

oh, if only we could will it to start. ; ) these babies have ideas of their own.

I'm trying to will it NOT to happen until we get through the girls' bday party on Sunday, and then anytime is fine by me. Since it's Sunday morning as I'm typing this, I'm happy to report that this baby seems to be obliging my one request.

Good luck to you! I will focus on that breath of relief this week, too.

Maggie said...

I am on pins and needles... did you decide on a name??