These past few weeks of July have inched us ever closer to the big day, and there's building anticipation about exactly when this new little girl will make her appearance. My gut feeling (not to be taken literally) is that I will have this baby before the end of the month. But with a due date of August 4th, who knows if I'm just kidding myself. Normally, I love how every pregnant woman thinks she will go early. It must amuse our docs to no end. But really, for real *wink, wink*...I do think I have a good chance of going into labor on my own before August, so I guess time will tell how close I really am. And as many of my friends keep remarking, I am trying to stay busy up until the point that I collapse in a heap. It's definitely getting harder to do, but I really enjoy the time relaxing at the park watching Elisa splash around or just hanging out at the evening barbecues with our friends. Just a couple of weeks ago, we wandered around Central Park one afternoon with Elisa and managed to get her on the carousel for the first time ever. She wasn't too keen at first when Nacho hoisted her up on the towering horse, but by the time it started moving, she was all smiles.

Considering how the months of May and June were mostly filled with Nacho's absences, we are also looking forward to seeing him much more now that his training is done and he's passed everything with flying colors. The timing of the transition couldn't have been better in a lot of respects since he's got more time at home this month just as we're winding things up with the pregnancy too. And we've decided he'll take all of August off (through FMLA which is unpaid, but still a great option) to hang out and acclimate to this new little life. I keep wondering how much different it will feel compared to Elisa's birth and first few months. Nacho and I both openly acknowledge those were not good times in many respects. As much as the euphoria carried us through the first couple of weeks, by a month or so in, we were toast--physically and mentally. It was hard, hard work and we just didn't know what we'd gotten ourselves into. But time passed and it got easier and we realized maybe we kinda liked this girl. And now, three years in, we can't imagine our lives without her. So what will it be like for her to have a new person join us? Will this cosmic shift bring us instant alignment, or more likely, a gradual understanding of our new family? I'm so eager to find out. And I really think with as much as we've talked about the new baby that Elisa is going to be over the moon to finally see her and touch her and try to play with her. Picturing it in my head is near impossible, but I keep trying. Oh, to have a crystal ball and see what is coming next. I know I would peek which is why maybe it's a good thing I can't. There's so much to look forward to. And soon.
you sound a little more ready than I currently feel! so maybe you're right about going early. I'm one of the few pregnant women who plans to go late and often forgets to consider that this baby could be here any day now! you guys will do great. for us, I think 1-2 was harder than 0-1, but it sounds like you had a pretty rough 0-1, so I'm thinking you'll do great with 1-2 and that your mental preparation will make it all go pretty smoothly in comparison to the first go 'round. well, there's a little optimism for ya anyway. good luck!
That's too funny. I hope you're right and you have plenty of time, but then again, you've done this before! Wasn't there an almost birth in the car?? Yeah, I suppose I just WANT to go early, but we will see. I definitely think/hope/pray that the 0-1 transition was worse. This feels like an addition to the crazy, but not the kind of life-upending crazy we had before. My mom says everyone hits the wall sometime. Some hit it with #1, some not til #2 or later. But I'm really hoping the wall I hit was the big one. We'll soon find out!! Good luck to you and Joe and the girls as well. Can't wait to see how it all shakes out.
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