We made it back home late last night after an almost pleasant day traveling across the country. I really couldn't visualize how the day would progress, so I just stayed in the moment and things seemed to work out fine. Go figure. Of course, there was some planning and prep before rolling out of Stacey's, but without a phone (my "lifeline," if you will), I was kind of roughing it through the drive and airports. Elisa rolled with the punches and only really flamed out as we taxied on the second plane. I knew she was overdue for a nap, but the perky flight attendant who tried to "calm" her down was only making things worse. Within about 30 seconds of her pitch going up an octave, I asked the lady to just "give us a minute" and she smiled and backed away. Far away. Elisa was in a full out kicking, bucking and hysterical screaming fit. It probably only lasted 2 minutes, but those can feel like an eternity when you are taking off on an airplane and the entire cabin is groaning in silent disgust. I've become pretty immune to these moments, which is probably why I still consider yesterday such a success. Because guess what happened next? Yes, that's right....wait for it....Elisa passed the f*** out. Oh, sweet Jesus. It was divine. She slept for nearly 2 hours laying half across my lap and into the other seat. I had a free hand to turn the magazine I remembered to buy, and all was forgiven.

Doesn't she look like an angel? She was actually posing and working the bear for me. It was hilarious.
And the hair looks groomed, but really she had half a head band sliding off. Cute anyway.
And this is her shot. She had to hold the camera before I could put it away. We're doing a lot of that these days. So, yes, she can be an angel when she wants. And it doesn't hurt that she looks the part. So many people we passed in the airports greeted us both and made sweet gestures of smiles and waves to a little girl they will never see again. Life is funny like that. I sometimes wonder why we can be so much kinder to people we don't even know. Then I made it home and found out there was no milk in the house. At 11:30 p.m. And let's just say, I tried hard to remember that my husband wasn't punishing us for having a week of sunshine in CA without him. He was just busy working, and for that I am grateful. So I'll have to forgive him too and just be glad that we are finally home in our own beds, waiting to be reunited for Thanksgiving. Looking forward to a long, cozy weekend at home with friends and good food. And my little angel.
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