So the time has come. It's time to ditch the bottle. If ever there was something I was lax about with Elisa, it's been the urge to move her off the bottle in favor of the sippy cup. Part of it was superstition that the only reason she slept those 12 glorious hours overnight was because she drank gallons of milk a day. Okay, not gallons, but you get the idea. She drinks a lot and it usually comforts me when she isn't eating much that at least she has her milk. But when I started giving her milk in a sippy months ago, she didn't take the bait. Milk in a sippy gets maybe two chugs and then thrown back at me in disgust. After several attempts, I would cave and just pour the milk in a bottle which delighted her to no end. She chugged it. Every time. So needless to say, the sippy cups have remained the bastion of watered down juice.
Over the last six months or so, I have promised myself that soon, very soon we would go cold turkey and pack up the bottles. But then there were trips or teething, colds or just not enough stamina to make good on my word. I needed something more. I bought more sippy cups to try in the hopes that one of them would be the holy grail of sippies. The ONE. But so far, Elisa still wants her milk in her "baba" and now that she clearly points and enunciates the word when she wants it, I have a feeling I'm in for a fight. Just this afternoon I tried to run some errands after her second nap and I purposefully did not bring a bottle. Just a sippy with juice. On the way home, I offered it to her and she waved it off. She asked repeatedly for her baba which I tried to explain was at home. That didn't bring on a full out tantrum, but she wasn't happy. Once in the door, she ran around asking for it.

So I've made a decision that we will be baba-free by the end of May. That's my goal and I'm committing to it here so I have to do it. And just for giggles, I bought another sippy today when I saw a Dora cup. She loves it. With juice.
hiro is not crazy about sippy cups either. The only one we have, he tries to unscrew it and open it rather than drink from it. Have you tried the straw cups. He's been drinking out of these since 8 months or something like that- I think sippy cups are hard to control the amount of liquid that comes into your mouth? plus I've heard that dentists claim it promotes tooth decay or something......
we have been using the born free sippy's with the soft-ish spout for Oliver's milk since we took the bottle away-they work well for us.
Thanks, ladies. We have tried the straw sippies which haven't been a big hit mostly because Elisa wants to tip them and thus, nothing goes up the straw. But I haven't seen the Born Free ones. Maybe it's THE ONE!! :)
Will keep you posted on how we get through the trials of bottle-free life, but so far, not well. I had to cave yesterday and just didn't have the patience today while we were out and about. But tomorrow is another day!
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