Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ending on a good note

I wanted to end this week's posts on a good note, but after my horrible night yesterday with vomiting and diarrhea, I'll just say we survived. The sun came out again, but we weren't in a mood to enjoy it. Instead, we stayed in today and I let Nick Jr. do all my heavy lifting. Thank God for on demand TV because Yo Gabba Gabba saved my ass. Luckily Elisa avoided whatever I ate or whatever germ I may have come in contact with because she seemed to be her usual self. But I was not. This was the first time I have had to take care of her alone while I didn't feel well, and I don't think I did too bad. To be fair, she rocked two 2-hour naps for me, so that was a nice way for me to rest up and sleep a bit. And there were a few moments when I just couldn't soothe her the way I normally would because I wasn't able to play or do the things we usually do like dancing around and reading book after book. Her meltdown here was just a blip in an otherwise pretty tolerable day. But since she's getting so big, I figured I might as well share these pics for posterity. She loves to throw a good fit sometimes, and I have to say she is quite the actress. But then what 20 month old isn't?

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