Monday, April 5, 2010

A fine weekend

The sun has been shining here for several days bringing the temps up into the 60s and 70s which makes life just seem more fun. No bundling up to go out or having to bring the rain gear everywhere. So we took advantage of two sun-soaked days on Saturday and Sunday to enjoy some family time with Nacho home and get outside. Sunday we took a long stroll through Manhattan starting at Union Square and ending back near Washington Square after detours through the West Village, Tribeca, and SoHo. Of course, Elisa wasn't thrilled when we didn't turn towards the neighborhood park (on our way to the subway) but we quickly subdued her with a train ride and later a bit of sidewalk meandering and a quick swing in a city park. She has her moments of refusing the stroller and really straining to get down, but still I think she enjoys seeing people and will usually patiently sit if we just keep moving. The trees and flowers around the city were popping with color and blooms of all kinds. It was one of those afternoons where you just feel charmed to be in this place right now. A nice way to end the week.

We opted for an early dinner at Bubby's in Tribeca which I had never been to before. I don't think I'd even passed it on the street, so it was kind of a surprise to round the corner and see it and think, oh, yeah, let's do this. So we had a little refueling before heading home which was definitely needed. I'm not used to walking this much, despite our love of it--we just haven't kept up our pre-baby routine of death marching around the city. It felt good and exhausting in that unplanned way which I remember and cherish. Elisa found a couple of older girls to ogle at the table next to us, and I looked on as another mom nearby struggled to quiet her young son. It really is a different life that we have now and there is no way to do everything we did before without sometimes paying a heavy price. But when our desires merge and we can all be outside for a nice stroll, some good scenery and a satisfying meal, it makes me feel like we're a pretty good little family unit. Elisa was well worn out by the end of our day and her subway sleep made stretching the evening for bath time a bit more tolerable. As I find more and more these days, it all works out in the end.

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