Monday, April 29, 2013

Twenty words at twenty months

When Elisa was this age I wrote a blog post about her development and tried listing all the words she knew. I'd heard the expression 20 words by 20 months and thought it was fun to check in and see how she was stacking up. And it didn't take me long to list them all out. I'm sure I even missed a few. She wasn't quite at the point of combining words, but Elisa was definitely making herself understood more and more. Fast forward a few years and here we go all over again counting words for Carolina. It seems like in these past few weeks there's been an explosion of language and she's often making short phrases to communicate. It's amazing how quickly you go from grunts and shrieks to babbling and now real talking. Just this morning as I got out of the shower, Carolina pointed at me then looked at herself. Without blinking an eye, she pulled her shirt up saying "I'nt nakie." Or after pick up when she saw her sister with a sucker, she said "I'nt sucka." Yeah, the kid has mad language skillz. Here are a few of the highlights so far...twenty words or however many I can remember:
  1. NO! (always the first and most frequent word)
  2. Boobie
  3. Cheese (said when a camera is pointed at her)
  4. Shoe
  5. Agua
  6. Apple
  7. Juice
  8. Bye
  9. Down
  10. Pee pee
  11. Sister
  12. Naked
  13. Sucker
  14. Popcorn (often requested for breakfast with a simple "pa-ka")
  15. Thank you
  16. Marker
  17. Phone
  18. Hot
  19. Milk
  20. Night night
  21. Mine (this was just used in the past week or so and it blew me away--she knows what's hers!)
  22. Want (most often combined with "I" into "I'nt")
  23. Pink
  24. Blue
  25. Flower
  26. Puppy
  27. Blanket
  28. Off
  29. Boot
  30. Sit
  31. Ice cream (don't even ask me how she freaks out when she sees the Mister Softee truck)
I'm sure there are a few more I'll remember after posting this. But I wanted to commemorate this list and milestone so at least if there's no baby book for the second born, there are some blog posts I've remember to replicate. As I said with Elisa, it's pretty amazing--and frankly exhausting--that we love and care for babies and toddlers for so long when we only have non-verbal cues to understand.  But they are cute and eventually, they do speak. And then, if she's anything like Elisa, she won't stop talking. So while we know Carolina is only beginning to make the sounds that will form all of her words going forward, it won't be long before we can't even remember a time she wasn't talking. Which reminds me I need to make more videos of this stage. Learning words is just the cutest.

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