Sunday, May 5, 2013

More firsts

Meet Dawn and Jamie Sweetman and their adorable family. Riley is part of the summer of 2008 tidal wave that engulfed our neighborhood, and dear sister Lucy was born last May just after they relocated to Virginia. And now they're back in Sunnyside. Yes, it didn't take long for them to miss us all and come running home. And that's what this neighborhood with our local park and playgroup feels like. Home with friends who act like family.  So Friday night we celebrated her first birthday with our first Friday night BBQ of the summer season. And I have to say, it all came together with the same ease and fun that I've come to expect from this crowd...
As we closed down the park around 8 p.m., the kids were all revved up from their evening of play and sugar. The birthday girl was serenaded by a troop of her big brother's friends--all eager for a first grab at a cupcake.  And little Lulu didn't seem to mind. She was patient and sweet with her frosting covered fingers. It reminded me that only a year ago, I was watching Jasper and Kira and Carolina celebrate their firsts. And now this summer we get ready for the Twos. How is that even possible? It was a nice walk home and Nacho and I both reflected on how much we love this neighborhood and its assortment of families. It is definitely a huge part of the appeal of staying in the city and these 10 blocks of Sunnyside, even when we know life could be easier. Conveniences can't make up for having these friends and the kind of impromptu evenings where we are all entertained equally. Elisa found her dancing friends, Carolina her rock raking pals, Nacho his dapper dads, and me, well, I bounced around the picnic grove happily chatting and snapping pics. We were all contented.  Knowing we have a full summer ahead of BBQs and hanging out together makes me ready for the heat wave that's sure to follow. With plenty of nights like this, we will get through the summer just fine. 

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