Saturday, May 11, 2013

Friday night barbecues

The Friday night barbecues with the playgroup have begun again at SGP and I couldn't be happier. There is something about throwing together a bag full of picnic food and  random cutlery and hoping for the best that just makes me feel good. It's living an improvised life--something I strive to do more of--and sharing it with people you enjoy.  And every weekend there's a slightly different mix of who goes and what food shows up which always keeps it lively. This week I brought some hot dogs, pasta salad and a chocolate-pistachio bundt cake that won rave reviews. Kristin's mom said it had the texture and glaze of a donut which is high praise indeed. I think I'll be making it again before summer's end. Nacho was busy flying so he missed out, but the girls were fine on their own for a bit, so I managed to have a nice evening relaxing around the picnic tables.
The rain that fell on us all week long managed to make some nice puddles around the field and track. I tried not to care too much if the girls got wet, but asked Elisa to keep herself and her sister out of the mud slide that had engulfed the ball field. A few other kids didn't heed this call to stay clean and as I ventured closer to get a photo, I managed to incur the wrath of one such mud slinger. Oh well, lesson learned! The evening wound down with a pretty calm vibe. I had the girls home, cleaned up and in bed by about 9 p.m. which wasn't too bad considering I was on my own.  They both even slept in until 7:30 a.m. the next morning which almost never happens. It was a nice payback for having such fun the night before.  I know I drone on and on sometimes about the benefits of our neighborhood, our local park and our playgroup, but it really makes our lives so much richer. A lot of times I wonder about the suburbs and if there are places like this elsewhere but with bigger, cheaper homes (that we might be able to afford to own!). Prices for one-family homes in the Gardens are topping $670K recently which just makes me sad. How in the hell are middle class families supposed to stay here beyond renting? It's just boggles my mind. Our comfortable two bedroom rental is all we really need, but still sometimes, I dream of having that yard and wonder where I would have to move to afford it.  But then I realize I would have to start all over finding families and friends we enjoy as much as these. I keep coming back to the thought that this little bubble in which we find ourselves living is too perfect to mess with.  Nights like these remind me that we might not have our own backyard, but we have a communal play space that is far more important--for us as well as them.  So for now, the only grilling we'll be doing will be at the park during the Friday night barbecues. And that's just fine by me.  

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