Saturday, April 20, 2013

The week in review

This week kicked my ass. First there was Monday's horrible turn of events at the Boston Marathon followed by the Senate overwhelming rejecting some much need gun reform legislation. Add in one massively destructive explosion at a fertilizer plant in Texas and my truly shitastic luck cracking the screen on our one week old iMac, and I was ready to call an end to the thing by Wednesday.  And yes, I know how absurd it is to put those  scenarios in the same sentence as my pitiful computer problems. But whatever. They all made me cry. There was a lot of emotion this week--enough that I was happy to bring a pitcher of sangria to the park on Friday afternoon and kill it with some good friends.  Sometimes in the midst of anxiety and sadness, you just need one good thing to happen. And if I push myself, I can honestly say there were a couple of those too.  Like seeing a friend from high school who was great to catch up with or hanging out at brunch with my mama friends today. And how about finding out that Elisa made the cut at the Kindergarten lottery for a great charter school? That's better than a kick in the head, right? But I'm still done with this week. Good night, Saturday. Hope Sunday is more my speed.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

I hear ya, sister! I felt all out of sorts this week. The world seemed to be falling apart at the seams. So sorry about your computer screen. That sucks.