Of all the memories of childhood, perhaps my most melancholy is missing my first official field trip at the end of Kindergarten. Bummer, right? I think it was to see a play about The Swiss Family Robinson or something like that. I had chicken pox (thanks to my sister) and was out for a week or so in May just when the trip was planned. I know I was upset at the time, but really what stayed with me over the years was the sense that I missed this great traveling opportunity. I know, I know. I've more than made up for it with my adventures around the world since then. But it's funny how those childhood wounds work their way out when you have a child of your own. Am I bound and determined to make sure Elisa never misses out on a school trip? Probably. So far she has had two field trips with her preschool class and I've been able to go on both. Am I living vicariously? Maybe. But I wouldn't miss it for the world. This week we were able to hop a school bus (Elisa's first!) and take a trip to the Queens County Farm Museum which has played host to our previous fair excursions. It's a fun place to visit any time of year and this November day it was surprisingly mild. Apple pressing, a hay ride and farm animals to see...what's not to love?

And yes, at the end of the day we were rewarded with a taste of freshly made apple cider. By the speed with which Elisa downed it, I'd say it was a hit. Or she was really thirsty. Field trips have a way of making you squeeze the goodness out of life, right?
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