Sunday, October 23, 2011

Family time

This past week Nacho's aunts Kiki and Pauli and his uncle Ignacio were in town to visit us for a few days. It was a last minute trip spurred on by the fact that his schedule included a four day stretch off so we more than happy to have them fly over to meet Carolina and hang out with Elisa for a bit. They were all clearly smitten with this newest little girl and of course, equally amused by the big girl's antics. Elisa feigned shyness for a few minutes upon seeing them again, but soon she was in her element dancing and hula-hooping for them and stealing the spotlight from her little sister. She's an expert at that. Considering we're just ending our third month getting to know this girl, it's kind of amazing that we are functioning so well and that it feels like we have a real sense of life carrying on. Nacho played tour guide for a few hours each day and we made our big trek up north by car and then before we knew it, our visitors were packing up to leave. But not before I broke out the camera for a little photo shoot...
As always, it's such a joy to share your children with family who love them the same way you do. There is something so comforting about that. It's been wonderful to see Elisa interact with her great-aunts and great-uncle in a way that shows them she knows what they are saying (even if she's not speaking much Spanish back). I know in time she will. But for now, the visit was fun and a great introduction for Carolina who seemed to be very relaxed and content to rest on laps and generally take it all in. We're hoping to get over to Spain later this winter for a quick visit when Nacho's schedule opens up again. And although we might not be there for the holidays, there will be lots of celebrating when we finally make it. Time with family is always worth celebrating, but especially when it means a long trip with eager faces waiting on the other side.

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