Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The good ol' days

I didn't have a cell phone until I was 28. I first used a touch screen device when I was 34. My daughter is not even 2 and she's used to both already. What does the future hold for her? I think about this sometimes when I see her fascination with our iPods, cameras, phones and on-demand cable TV. It's crazy to me that this is all part of her life already and she has no idea what it's like to be without it. And I could say, well, whose fault is that, and blame myself for exposing her to all this madness. But really, I think it's almost impossible to keep her from it. And I'm not even sure I would want her to grow up in technological isolation without becoming comfortable with these things. But the part of me that never rushes to new technology and is slow to embrace the trends is wondering when she will surpass me. I'll give her another year.

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