So far this visit to Chicago has had a little bit of everything: sightseeing, good eating, walking around, and most importantly visiting with friends. After a couple of nights in the city, we ventured out to a western suburb called Downer's Grove which is where my friend and fellow blogger
Maggie lives. Maggie has two adorable kids, Anna (3) and Abe (1), and she's definitely a window into the world of having two. It's fun to hear how much Anna talks and tells stories and asks questions and generally wants you to engage with her. She is a sweet girl with a penchant for serious chats and she loves all things fruity as much as Elisa. Abe, on the other hand, is a knock-em-down boy's boy who
just got the hang of walking but you'd never know it, and he's all smiles when he's got a full plate and something to kick. The kid lights up when he sees his sister and he loves chasing her around the house. With two girls bouncing around this weekend, I think Abe was beside himself with excitement. Fortunately for everyone, Elisa made good on her promise (okay, my
dream) of sleeping in and got back on track this morning with a good 13 hour night and another 2 hour nap around noon. It was well worth waiting for considering that she had missed days' worth of naps and wasn't getting the real solid shuteye at night that she's used to. Plus, I have to say it's always an adjustment getting her used to a new environment, but I think being around other kids helped get that back on track. At least from the way they all played together, you could see they were wearing each other down. Our plan worked! And now we exhausted parents are off to bed ourselves! Good night.
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