Sunday, September 28, 2008

Morning Time

Just as we were beginning to really lament the whole newborn sleep thing, something strange happened this week--Elisa started to take a hint and sleep more from midnight on. Now I won't say this is going to be an everyday occurrence, but for the past 3 or 4 nights, she has gone down sometime after her late feeding (between 10pm and 12am) and stayed down for a good 4 hours. Without interruption! This is exactly what we were looking for earlier last week when it seemed she just couldn't calm down at night. I don't know whether it's magically making it to the 6 week mark today or just lucky for us, but she's also been able to stay sleeping after a brief awake time in the morning between 8-10am. It's like a gift from the gods...Today I even had lunch at 1pm which felt almost, dare I say it, normal.

So here's a video of her with Nacho waking up...and watching some quality soccer on the Internet. Don't say daddy didn't take good care of her--he's already starting the "futbol" education. Soon there will be two of them screaming "G-O-L!"

1 comment:

Tia Stacey said...

She is so alert and observant. I wonder if she will remain that way into the toddler phase. I can't wait to hold her.. See you soon!