Friday, September 19, 2008

One month down

So, here we are one month later and Elisa is continuing to change and amaze us on a regular basis. We've had our families visit and leave and the reality of being first time parents with no instruction manual has finally set in. I think for both of us, it was crucial to have our initial baby questions answered by the women we love and trust the most. Seeing them in action was also a god send in ways you just can't explain. Was it their rocking hips or cozy bosoms that soothed so well? Who knows, but it worked. We've stolen a few moves from all and tried a few of our own and somehow this first month has flown by.
Now with the apartment all to ourselves, the evenings are starting to take on a little bit more of a routine. I've been taking an early nap and waking sometime between 11pm and 1am to feed. Then I take over and let Nacho sleep til 5 or 6am when I hand her off and doze in the bedroom in peace. Sometimes, she even sleeps a few hours in between and I lie on the couch praying she will stay down long enough for me to get a little more rest. But all in all, it seems to be working out and I'm definitely getting caught up on my Project Runway and Top Design marathons, as well as checking out some quality movies on Lifetime and WE (yes, I really did watch most of "Only You" with Marisa Tomei--so what?!).
We've also been experimenting with the various modes of transport available with this newbie, and have finally found her real pacifier--the Baby Bjorn. It's like baby gold. You take Elisa from a state of wakeful rebellion and strap her in to this harness and she's O-U-T. Of course, at first I thought we were just cutting off her air/blood supply with her head at some crazy angle, but after checking with another neighborhood mom (whom I accosted on the street to ask), we have her sitting in it the right way and she really seems content. Of course, now I'm also content since Nacho finds it equally pleasing to carry her around in. I told him he can have her these first 9 months out of the womb (to make up for lost time). So, it's a win-win. We even went in to the city yesterday for a long walk, ate dumplings, breastfed and changed an exploding diaper, then came home on the bus. All in the Baby Bjorn. It was just like old times to be so carefree...ah, yes, the old times...

1 comment:

Tia Stacey said...

Love the pictures of Nacho sporting the Baby Bjorn. He looks stylin'. Glad you are venturing out with success...