Sunday, September 7, 2008

Amazing Night

I knew we'd get some real overnight rest eventually, but considering how fussy Elisa was at dinner last night, I wasn't expecting it so soon. She slept 4 HOURS IN A ROW! Which completely amazed me and helped both Nacho and I feel like victors this morning. She went down around 3:15am and didn't rouse til 7:15am on the dot! It was great. And after that feeding, she slept another 2 hours without a peep. I know we probably won't keep it up completely, but just the idea of her sleeping 4 or 5 hours straight has me giddy with excitement. I know Martha Stewart gets by on less shut-eye, but for the rest of us humans, having those hours together in the middle of the night is precious. And so what if I had to rig her paci a little so it wouldn't fall out of her mouth. If the trick worked, it worked, okay?

1 comment:

Tia Stacey said...

That is quite the momentous occasion!!! I hope it is a new trend. IT certainly does feel victorious...and you needed it! Too bad there isn't some kind of special pacifier tape that we can use to keep her and other kids (like your nephew when he was that age!) from ripping it out of their own mouths!!