Monday, September 29, 2008

A girl of a million faces

As mom and I were discussing today on the phone, Elisa continues to change and amaze us with her variety of facial expressions. I know we're only talking about a 6 wk. old, but I swear she has so much emotion in those eyes and her little quivering chin. As you can see, the expressions range from surprise to fear to sheer contentment. It's a wide range for someone so small. But we love watching all the faces and getting to see her add news ones to the repertoire. I even managed to get these captured on film the other morning and I have to admit that she was a very compliant baby--holding still while I snapped away without using a flash (didn't want to blind the poor thing). So, we'll see how the faces change once she meets her aunties (Stacey and Barbara) and cousins (Mia and Jordan). We're flying down on Wednesday, so there will be lots of new people to make faces at, and I'm pretty sure she'll manage a smile for them if they're lucky.

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