Wednesday, August 13, 2008

"You can't stop progress!"

Entering week 39 and have some encouraging news from my doctor...apparently Elisa is "engaged" in my pelvis which means she's pretty much locked and loaded in the head down position, ready for the final event. I knew something was different as of about a week ago, but hearing the confirmation at Monday's appointment was nice. He also checked to see if I was at all dilated and announced I'm at 1 cm, which is nothing much but at least shows she's headed in the right direction. Of course, some people stay at 1 cm until they are in labor and others dilate slowly over a period of time. We'll see which camp I fall into. As of today, though, I'm just glad to hear something is happening. Hopefully with one week left til D-Day, I'll be updating this blog next with some actual NEWS! Keep you posted.


tess0203 said...

Finally read some of the blog.

Not long now and hope Elisa has some freshly washed clothes to wear :-)

Take care as you know simon is rooting for the 22nd as D day


Adam Shreve said...

Sounds like all is going well. All the best and just remember that the first few weeks are the hardest but, IT DOES GET EASIER! At least I had thoughts that it wouldn't in our case ;)