Saturday, August 16, 2008

Impeccable timing

Well, this will be short and snappy. I woke up this morning around 4:30am with a steady trickle of fluid coming out when I rolled over. Of course this would happen the last night that Nacho was working and on an overnight in Toronto...CANADA. So, I called him and told him he better get the first flight out of Dulles when he gets in this morning. Should be back in NYC by 10am or so. I've been waiting about 3 hours so far and have some mild cramps and contractions about 10-14 min. Talked to mom who was already awake at 6:30am because she's flying up today. As I said--good timing, huh? Of course, the first phonecall to the hospital was comical. The doctor on-call (who's a real jackass) said to come in so they could check me out, get me in a room and "start the pit." As in PITOCIN. I said, "uh, actually, I'm trying to avoid that." When I mentioned my husband was on a plane home and would be here in a few hours and I felt like staying put, he simply responded, "okay, well, that's fine. I'll let Dr. Randall know. He'll be on then." Which is funny, because that's my doctor who I could care less if I saw or not and now I'm actually relieved he'll be there.

So, now I sit and wait...and having cramps and a few contractions makes me feel like I can officially say labor has begun....maybe Nacho's nephew Diego will have a "prima" on his birthday afterall.

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