Saturday, December 17, 2016

Finally feeling festive

Coming back from our weekend in Belgium and hitting the ground running was kind of a good thing. It felt like we'd dived head first into all things Christmas-y so it was just a matter of bringing that market spirit into our home and counting down the days til the big event. Our tree selection went better than expected with Nacho's help to get it done while the girls were in school. Somehow I picked the most perfectly shaped tree ever, even if it was on the lean side. The new lights we bought at Costco in October were also a big plus--they actually change colors from white to multi-colored and so the Christmas disco party was on! Unfortunately, Carolina went from hyper at a send off baby shower for her assistant teacher that day to lethargic and feverish just hours later. She collapsed on the couch and spent most of our tree trimming asleep. But I revived her in time for dinner and to hang a few ornaments for a photo op. The medicine was working because she bounced right back and seemed to be in a decent mood. Or who knows, maybe the Christmas spirit doesn't care if you're sick. You must hang an ornament and sing some songs! 
But the next day the fever was back again and so Carolina spent the rest of the day at home recuperating. By Friday I was really hoping she was on the mend since she was fever-free without medication. I kept her home just so she could rest up before her big rehearsal for the Nutcracker that night and her performance on Saturday. When I told her she had to stay home to get better or else she's be missing the ballet, she burst into tears telling me that she had to make it or else her teachers who were coming to see her perform would think she was a liar. Oh Carolina! You know how to work up some drama when you want. 

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