Wednesday, December 7, 2016

December dilemmas

December is one of those months I love because it involves shopping and stashing away surprises (two things I love) and yet there is always a bit of a burden to figure out what to get and how to pay for it all. This year though, I was feeling more generous and less anxious about the upcoming holidays. It finally feels like Nacho's job and compensation are on more steady ground and we can predict his earnings better month to month. And that is such a welcome relief after a year and a half of not knowing exactly what to expect. We also found out that he was going to be getting a little back pay after they signed a new contract, so it was all looking up. And then I went and got a tooth ache. And well, you can guess where this is headed....just as soon as money comes in, it tends to leave in my experience. So I found myself nursing an abscess over Thanksgiving that turned into a re-done root canal and another one needed to the tune of $4700 *gulp*  Yes, it's going to be an expensive month, but somehow Nacho was reassuring about it all and my mother's motto that it's only money was also helpful. I let the tears roll in the bathroom of the endodontist's office, but really what could I do? I wouldn't want to wish this tooth trouble on anyone, but if I had to have it, now was a pretty good time. So the rest is just gravy. I'll spend my money and enjoy the month and keep on keepin' on. December is about being together anyway, and the last time I checked, that's still free. 
The girls have rediscovered their roller skates at the park even getting Olive in on the action
A giant chocolate chip cookie from Jacques Torres after we succeeded at the Passport Agency 
Our annual ladies brunch was a success at The Lowery
Subway therapy at the Union Square station made me a little sad but mostly hopeful. I love this city
Elisa's art work continues to delight me. This is her perfect home

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