Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Anna and Elsa

Lately I've been really trying to stop and drink in the love that I see between these two girls. It's hard in the midst of fighting and screaming and pinching each other to notice it, but when they are loving and kind to one another, it makes me melt. I've said it before and I'll say it again a thousand times over--I was so fortunate to have two of the same for siblings. I don't think I could have imagined how much they would love each other and get along at such an early stage. I really think that because Elisa is an inclusive and protective big sister and Carolina fights hard to keep up, it works out well for both of them. They are really at the point of entertaining each other and once they settle on a scenario (dolls, coloring books, watching Youtube videos of Kinder Eggs, etc.), they can spend long periods of time just hanging out. Carolina is so vocal these days and really asks Elisa to play and tries to mimic everything she does. Seeing how Elisa makes roles for her little sister to play along with her is just what I'd hoped for two years ago.  Now that it's here and it's happening, I guess I'm just tickled it's all really true. They are sisters who love each other and have such a special bond. And that it is all their own is kind of amazing. They play and they fight and they know each other so well.  We woke up to singing and giggling the other morning which we could hear crystal clear through the monitor, and I kept thinking it won't be long before they are really a self-sufficient little duo.  We're not quite at the let-your-parents-stay-in-bed-on-the-weekend stage, but we're getting close.  That's my next vision of the ideal life--Elisa pouring the cereal and milk and Nacho and I sleeping til 9 a.m. It's easy to see how our lives are really at the apex of the hard part of these early years. Every month forward I feel like Elisa eases up a little and Carolina leaps toward maturity. We've already come so far.  I'm just trying to savor it before it's all gone in the blink of an eye.  Carolina turned to me the other say and said dismissively, "whatever." Pure Elisa, I thought, and then I smiled before pinching her bottom. They really are made for each other. 

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