Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Winter dreaming

If all goes well, this time next week we'll be warming our feet on the beach in San Juan, Puerto Rico. It's one of those planned, yet completely spontaneous little trips we are attempting as a family of four trying to non-rev during high season and a school break in the Northeast. Complete stupidity with a dash of optimism. For those outside the airline industry, it's basically going on standby with no real idea if you'll make it on (or back) until the flight is boarding. It's not the for the faint of heart, but after 10 years of doing this, we've sort of gotten used to the idea that anything can happen. And if you keep an eye on the loads and play the numbers game the day before, making adjustments to which flight you'll take (which can mean waking at 4 a.m. instead of 7 a.m. sometimes), things often work out.  Not always.  But then what fun would that be? We decided on PR since Nacho has a friend from work with a family condo there and they offered it to us for a total steal with no reservations necessary. So I'm really hoping these flights come through, and with 4 direct ones a day from NYC, I'm thinking the chances are good we'll make it. But who knows.  Since there's another winter storm (snow/ice/rain) coming tomorrow and possibly one before Monday, I'm not going to obsess over the cancellations quite yet. No, I'm going to try to enjoy the cozy warmth of our apartment during the next few days while we nurse Elisa back to health (she was the third victim of this tummy bug) and try to celebrate Valentine's Day with a few friends. That's all I can do, and yet I won't stop dreaming of the sand on my toes. Oh, February, won't you let us enjoy a warm, sunny break? 

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