Tuesday, August 7, 2012


I totally bought tickets to this. For Sunday. I'm pretty sure Elisa is going to go into shock and pass out when she finds out who we are going to see. And I'm not even kidding. She's been impersonating Dorothy the Dinosaur so much recently that most conversations begin with "No, no. I'm not Elisa. I'm DORO-THY." And she wears socks on her hands (because Dorothy has white gloves). I can hear the screaming already. Good screaming. The kind I am trying to bottle and save for all the years ahead when she won't let me take her to a concert. But Sunday, oh man. On Sunday I am going to be her hero. And now I don't know if I can contain myself and keep a secret, but I'm going to try. 

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Please video tape her reactions...I cannot wait. I am so excited for you!!