Thursday, March 15, 2012


This is what strep throat looks like at our house:
Ugh. So the fever that never really crept too high just wouldn't go away, and today after letting her go back to school it came raging back. By nap time, Elisa was a stuffy, snotty, coughing, feverish mess. I called the pediatrician and they got us in this afternoon for a quick visit and the pronouncement that yes, indeed, this is strep. Good thing I called after THREE DAYS. Just call me Mom of the Year. I mean, I didn't even look in the poor kid's throat which was bright red and spotty staring at us in the doctor's office. I suppose my mom instincts often encourage me to ignore and just wait. And in 3 1/2 years that's been good enough most of the time. So today I was glad I felt an inkling of caution and got her in to be seen. I was a strep throat veteran by 9 or 10, so I'm guessing this is the first of many sore throats. Now it's time for some antibiotics and rest. Sweet, sweet rest.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Poor baby. Hope she is better soon and that no one else gets this.