Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring fever

Even though Elisa was running a slight fever last night, we had to make the most of this gorgeous day. With temps in the low 70s for the first time all year, it was too nice to sit inside and nurse our colds. We've all had something going around for a few weeks now, but just can't seem to shake it for good. Once Elisa clears up, Carolina is coughing. If Nacho's ears are feeling better, my throat is getting sore. It's a hazard of having small children, I suppose, that they are incubators of disease. But man, they still need to be entertained even when they're not 100%. So today we took off for Gantry Plaza State Park along the river to let the sunshine heal us all...

1 comment:

jessie said...

love these photos from gantry