Sunday, June 19, 2016

Dance Mom Fever

Video from Dress Rehearsal 
Video from Dress Rehearsal
I'd love these girls even if they didn't take dance, but today they made me so proud. They survived their first recital together and so did I! To top it off, it was on Father's Day yet again (our third in a row spent at the Queens Theatre watching a recital). But you didn't hear Nacho complain. He knows how much they love it and that they really shine in the spotlight. I'm happy to say Carolina was as confident and strong as she always is and she stuck that routine like a pro. Elisa owned her hip hop dance like nobody's business. I wanted to burst. We had a rough day yesterday checking out a nature walk in Jamaica Bay. What I thought would be a carefree day out near the ocean was a miserable whinefest. So that they behaved and did such an outstanding job today was a much needed bit of joy. Thank you, girls. I love you and your enthusiasm for dance. I hope you have it always. It can carry you through so much. Keep dancing. I'll never stop watching. 
Photo credit: SBS Ballet Studio 

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