Friday, May 27, 2016

May days

This month has been a steady stream of activities, and none more so than the weekends. My photography has picked up again with the thawing of spring and added to that the birthday parties for friends and a few park events and it's been busy. Like really busy. I am not great at keeping a calendar squared away so I've had to be better about that and really revisit my invitations mid-month to make sure I'm remembering everything. It's a good problem to have, I suppose. But with all the flurry, I've also noticed I relish my down time. I need that to recharge and it makes a huge difference having two kids in school full time. This year has been such a change of pace in so many good ways. I have come to depend on that week day quiet to get my bearings. So as we get closer to the end of school, I'll forgive myself for wanting to savor every last day before summer break. Yes, yes, I want them to be out too. But it's going to take some getting used to and I know it. 
It's also true that this month has seen Nacho's schedule really heat up. He's had a full month of European trips--Paris, Milan, London--that have left him giddy with new adventures. It's fun to watch him discover parts of Europe I saw for the first time 20 years ago and yet, still bittersweet. The girls are more aware of his travel at this age too and lately they complain that he's getting to go Italy or Paris and we aren't. And well, what can I tell them? That's his job (even if Carolina thinks it's not). But still it feels like daddy's on a vacation and at times I have to remind myself he's not. So we putter on. I keep the schedule going, groceries stocked. It all keeps on spinning. And as the warm weather finally hit this week, I'm also glad to be revisiting some of the rituals of summer like Friday night BBQs in the park and the dance recital and upcoming camp out. There are so many things I love about this season and the way it really makes you appreciate your time just hanging out with friends. Everything feels more spontaneous and I love that. I say it every year, but this is the time of year I start to realize how much we have invested in our neighborhood and way of life. Celebrating the park's 90th birthday this month also made me appreciate how long this way of life has been going on without us. We are just passing through. My hope is to enjoy every last minute of it until we live somewhere else. So far that plan is working. 

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