Sunday, May 8, 2016


Mother's Day this year meant waking at 8:15 a.m. to Elisa standing over my bed showing me her goodie bag loot from Saturday's birthday party. I had skipped out on those festivities in honor of celebrating with Tania and Chris for his 40th birthday party in the city. So clearly, I had missed out on the excitement at the park and Elisa quickly wished me a happy mother's day followed by stuffing a coloring book in my face. Just give me five more minutes of sleep, kiddo. Fortunately that turned into almost another hour and a half. Nacho got up and helped the girls get pancakes ready for me since I didn't feel like the hassle that sending him out for donuts would entail. No, this year everything was on no-hassle mode. We had breakfast, got dressed at a leisurely pace and then took a little picnic lunch of happy meals and some Cemitas El Tigre over to the park. I had an afternoon photo shoot in the neighborhood so I didn't want to go too far. And really, it was such a chill day that it almost didn't feel like working at all. After a whirlwind of communions on Saturday morning, I was happy to be just lounging on Sunday. Well, for the most part. Nacho had fly out this evening, so I knew it was going to be all my turn later in the day. But really, Mother's Day is never a day off. Not the way it could be before kids. No matter how much you try to shirk it, a mother's responsibilities do not end with one day of flowers and breakfast in bed. Nor would we want them to. The necklaces and poems I received were only the icing on the cake. Being a mom to these girls is my whole world. And when I feel overwhelmed by that, I'm lucky to share this journey with a really wonderful man. We took our first real family vacation this year and it made me excited for what's to come. That's how I want to look at the rest of 2016. Bring it on. Summer and Kindergarten and all that awaits us in the next few months. I will try to keep the hassle-free mantra as well, but I know that's hard. If only life could be like a lazy Sunday. We can try.

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