Thursday, May 19, 2016

AOC Spring Concert

After missing the Winter concert because of my Downton Abbey premiere evening, I was actually excited to make it to the Spring concert this time around.  Nacho was off too so it was a real family affair. As I told a friend recently, with both girls heading to AOC in the fall, we've kind of doubled down in terms of school spirit. It's time to rally. And as much as I hate to say it, it really has simplified my feelings towards the school. I'm no longer feeling like we have one foot out, so I guess that means it's also time to put my money where my mouth is in terms of the PCO. But anyway, for now at least it was nice to be able to see Elisa and her friends really enjoy themselves and they sang so sweetly. Blue Skies was a definite highlight of the whole show and I appreciate that they have made the concert shorter for us. Now the 3rd graders and up have their own concert on another night. I guess next year that means I'll have to attend both. But for now, this night was short and sweet. A perfect little showcase for all that talent. 

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