Sunday, April 5, 2015

Spring break!

Last week we started our Easter celebrations a bit early with egg dying and a quick trip to the Farmer's Market to get some holiday cookies. Then finally we had a few nice days in the city with temps increasing until Thursday when we left town. It was 60F and we were headed to Raleigh where the high for Friday was near 80F! Woo hoo! Spring has sprung! Unfortunately, Nacho had to stay behind to work and prepare for a big interview on Tuesday (more on that soon, I hope). But we're missing him and I'm wishing I had a few extra hands on deck for this week of travel. Hopefully, he'll make it down here by the middle of the week. So far we've had a pretty chill weekend with the family staying close to home and enjoying a few park trips. The girls got to go toy shopping at Target with Grandma and we finally played Yahtzee last night (after calling it off the night before due to fatigue which prompted an all-out meltdown from BOTH girls).  I was victorious with not one, not two, but THREE Yahtzees. Never have I been so lucky. And all fives. Crazy, right? So waking up bright and early today after a long night of boozing it up was a little rough. But I see a nap in our futures. And hopefully a little family photo shoot with the grandparents. Happy Easter, ya'll! Hope this week stays warm wherever you are. 

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