Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Thaw

This weekend we managed to make it over to Sunnyside Gardens Park after months of missing it from our daily lives. The snow was still piled high all around and a thick blanket covered almost all of the blacktop, picnic area and ball field. But it was a moderately warmer day (mid 30s) and the girls were all decked out in their snow gear. So we met up with friends Irene and Jose and their two kids to check it all out and introduce them to the park they'll be joining this spring. It's such a blessing to have this space most of the year when the warmer weather prevails. And like I said, it's become a part of our weekly social scene that it's hard to make do when we're cooped up all winter long. Hard to believe we'll be having lunch and bbqs there soon. Hopefully with above-freezing temps all this week, it won't take too long for this tundra to melt. I'm ready, Spring. Are you listening?

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