Friday, March 13, 2015

Field Trip: New York Public Library

Ah yes, time for another field trip with Elisa's 1st grade class. I went on one at the beginning of the year to the Queens Botanical Gardens, and Elisa mostly behaved though she wanted to leave with me after we returned to school. There have been a few other ones scattered over the winter months, but I've either been busy or not too keen on the trip.  This time, though, I thought I would have fun going into Manhattan with her class to visit the New York Public Library.  It's such a beautiful building inside and out and I thought it would be another good chance to capture some photos of these kids acting like, well, kids. And they certainly did their best. The bus ride in was a pretty tame, if loud, affair, and they offloaded and went straight in without too much hassle. Downstairs in the library we checked out the children's room which is the only lending part of the library. The librarian guiding us that day read a few books after explaining some of the history and answering some of their questions. I think my favorite question of the day was when one little boy asked, "Why is Manhattan so busy?" She didn't quite know how to answer. So we moved on, and went upstairs to see the murals covering the exquisite wood-carved ceilings in the main rotunda. Unfortunately, the Rose Reading Room has been closed for a few months because part of the ceiling fell in and needed immediate repairs. It's where I shot some of Carmen's portraits and it's such an amazing backdrop. I was a little disappointed to not see it again. But maybe next time. As for the kids, we managed to get everyone outside and onto the side steps for a quick class portrait. Ms. Miskin wasn't feeling it when I asked her to jump in, but no matter. The kids' personalities shone through and they pulled some typical antics falling to pieces just as the bus pulled in. Perfect timing. Off we went back to school. And though it wasn't as dramatic as finding out Carolina had cut her head open during my last field trip experience, I did get a text from Nacho that he'd been called into work. So as the bus made its way down Northern Blvd, I got the bright idea to hop off and walk across the 39th Street bridge since I didn't have a car waiting at the school. I was home in about 10 minutes from his text, a small miracle considering, and we were able to have lunch together before he took off for work and a week in Madrid. Mostly, I'm glad our situation allows for me to be part of Elisa's school life in this way and to document it for all the other parents who can't. These kids are growing up so fast, it's hard to remember sometimes but it's true. And even though they are city kids from all walks of life, they still love the "busy" city. And who can blame them? 

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