Thursday, March 5, 2015

Last snow day ever!

One last snow day. That's what I said to myself this morning when I woke up to a steady stream of snow falling and predictions of 1-2 inches per hour throughout the day. Nacho was off on a trip and Carolina had been sick for 2 days prior. I wasn't sure she would even wake without a fever, and if she didn't, would I drag her out in the cold to take her sister to the bus? Would the bus even come on time? Elisa had been running on empty too for a few days, so when they were both still asleep at 7:20 a.m., I made the executive decision to call it: Mom-approved SNOW DAY! What a nice change of pace. Although a few friends expressed their horror at keeping two kids home all day, I was happy to oblige. It meant we could hang out and play and eat and try to entertain ourselves on one last wintry day. The girls were actually on their best behavior and we started everything off right with waffles for breakfast followed by homemade M&M ice cream for an afternoon treat. Yeah, having the time to just be home with them and not stress about days like this is such a luxury, and I know it. I really do.  I never expected to have this life and it's been a lot of sacrifice to do it, but we made this our priority. Being able to override everything and stay home and snuggle was what we all needed. But please God, make this the last one this year. (Thanks!)

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