Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Week in Review

Wow. What a scorcher.

Last weekend began with a birthday party at the park and an invite out to Hoboken to visit with my college buddy Jason Clampet who I hadn't seen in at least a decade. His daughter Flora is just a year older than Elisa and of course it didn't take long for the girls to find their common bonds--namely Barbies and making big girl games that slyly excluded Carolina. Ah yes, girls will be girls.  Since our late night catching up, Elisa has been bugging me about going back, so I guess that means I need to see what their plans are for the rest of the summer. Hopefully, we can have them out to Sunnyside to see our neck of the woods and not wait another 10 years.  The temperatures this week hit the mid to upper 90s every single day which meant we'd need to take it easy. We were on a park/pool/nap/cool off at home routine pretty much all week long, and it was fine but a bit boring. We broke it up with an ice cream night at Jahn's in Jackson Heights and the sweltering Summer Social at the park last night.  Seeing temps go back to the 80s this coming week is a welcome change. Hopefully, the rest of July will go easy on us. You think?

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