Thursday, February 14, 2013

For my Valentines

Happy "Valentime's" Day as Elisa shouted at me this morning. She was barely awake and the words came pouring out. It's not really a holiday but somehow the fact that she loves it and wants it to be one made me drag her sister all the way to the dollar store while Elisa was at school to buy some silly balloons. And paper plates. And pink champagne flutes. Yes, I spent all of $9 on my fabulous V-day supplies and then had a few friends over this afternoon to help us polish off some cookies. Fun and lowkey and involving sweets...where do I sign up? Later we even had friends stop by for an impromptu pizza dinner since Nacho was busy working.  It all came together with ease and I needed a little socializing after a quiet day at home.  It makes me appreciate the many people we have in our lives here in the neighborhood who brighten our world.  Isn't that was this day is all about?  Love isn't just romantic, sometimes it's about bringing out the best in friends too.  So happy day, everyone. Now for another cookie...


Nella said...

I just LOVE that photo of your girls on the banner!

Ann Price said...

Thank you! We were in Central Park last month when I took it.