Thursday, October 4, 2012

Apples and oranges

Sometimes I look at Carolina and I don't know who this kid is. I mean, she looks a little like that baby I took home over a year ago, but man, has she changed especially lately.  And when I start to think back to Elisa at this age, there is just no comparison. Elisa was still a baby on the verge of toddlerhood. She didn't climb onto the couch and bed and scale tables and other furniture. She couldn't pivot and get herself down or take a spin on a tornado slide like she was born to do it.  She wasn't trying to use a fork and shrieking when it wouldn't work. Where Elisa eased into her toddler phase, Carolina seems to have just dived right in and there is no stopping her. It's apples and oranges to compare any two kids, but with these girls, it's really hard to stop myself. They are so similar in some of their mannerisms, and yet Carolina is so different and so much older than her 14 months.  She still has more patience and stays quieter than Elisa ever did. And I love that when she gets really tired she just gets punch drunk and silly. I can't recall that ever happening with Elisa.
She is getting bigger every day and learning something new at such a rapid pace it makes me realize the next 6 months will be such a leap forward. She is so close to actual talking with all of her noises and ranting. And I have to call it ranting because when she wants something, this girl knows how to ask for it. Today at our friend Gina's house, I picked her up to go and she let out a stream of toddler obscenities that I clearly understood. She had seen an apple and she wanted it. Bad.  I laughed and asked if we could take one and of course this delighted her to no end.  She had communicated successfully and she walked and ate, and waved that apple around like a champ.  Yes, Carolina may be the little sister, but she is quickly catching up.  It was one of my "can't wait for" moments to see her chase her sister and now I get this honor every day.  I love it.  I love the way she follows her and imitates Elisa with such finesse, except when it involves crying. There's still too much of that coming from the big girl these days, and when Carolina joins the bandwagon it can drive me batty. But when they are laughing and playing and being so sweet to each other, I have to pause and record that moment in my brain. Today Elisa thumped down on the couch upset about something and in a flash, Carolina was leaning down peering into her face with a smile and a squint as if to ask "why are you sad, sister?" Elisa couldn't help but laugh and hug her sister, and it made the whole moment lighten. I think we all need a contrast to our personality sometimes and luckily, for my sake, Carolina offers that. I know I'm always racing ahead to see where things are going to be in another year or two, but I have to admit that for the first time, I'm kind of happy where we are. It's getting better. Every day.

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