Wednesday, August 10, 2011

One week down...

It's hard to believe I didn't know this face just over a week ago. It feels like she's been with us forever and yet we're only getting acquainted. And so far, I love everything about her. Unlike with Elisa, the shock of becoming a mother again has not clouded my enjoyment of this little one. It feels kind of unfair, but that's the truth. I think the physical aftermath of my long labor with Elisa and the adjustments to breastfeeding and so little sleep were much, much crueler and harder for me to overcome the first time around. With this girl, I barely feel like I've just given birth and my body is more accustomed to shorter nights and surviving on naps. I don't wake up starving with that horrible knot in my stomach feeling from too little rest. I'm still a little groggy waking up at 3:00 a.m. to feed her, but at least I don't feel like she's personally screwing with me. This time I know it's the best she can do. And it really won't last forever (words I did not believe with a colicky baby). And so far, Carolina's rocking her nighttime feedings. We're getting on average a good 3-4 hours of rest from the time I put her down until she wakes again which means she's going about 4-5 hours total between feedings in her first week! I don't think Elisa did that except for one or two nights in her first 3 months and the first time I recorded it was September 6, 2008 (almost 3 weeks after she was born and it was a total fluke). So yeah, things are pretty good so far which means that I'm wondering if this posting will jinx it, but I like living on the edge. There's nothing like a calm baby around to make you realize how fussy the first one was. It's like night and day. Comparisons between siblings are probably never great to make, but it's all I can do nowadays. Carolina is definitely a keeper and well, Elisa is lucky she's so stinkin' cute.

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