Sunday, August 14, 2011

Little Liza

So my mother has this thing about Liza Minnelli. Or should I say, she has a thing about making my infant daughters look like Liza. Both with Elisa and now Carolina, Grandma likes to hover around after bath time and do the hair styling. And with both, she's made the comb forward motion and little spit curls around the hair line her signature style. We call it the "Liza" because if you've ever paid close attention to Ms. Minnelli, it seems her hair is growing forward towards her face (perhaps to cover up those unfortunate nip and tuck lines?). Anyway, here is Carolina after her second bath in all her showgirl glory...
And for the record, Carolina actually seemed to love her bath. She didn't cry or fuss and almost acted like the water dripping over her skin was kind of fun. She was very good throughout and even when I was getting her dressed, she only squawked a little. Yes, she's a gentle soul. Even her fussiest night a few nights ago was not that bad. She was restless and alert for several hours after a cluster feed and I was beginning to think our golden streak was over. But then she slept from 2 a.m. til 11 a.m. with only one feed around 5:45 a.m. Eat and back to bed. That's her default position, so I suppose it's tolerable if she throws us a minor curveball now and again. And as that last photo suggests, she's already packing on a few ounces here and there with a little double chin, so we're pretty sure she likes her mama's groceries just fine. That hair, the wide eyes, and double chin all make her look a little more like Liza, if you ask me.


Kate said...



Ann Price said...

WITH a feed in between...but was a good long stretch with about 3-4 hours of sleep for me on either side. I'll take it!