Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sick girl

What is it about a sick kid that's so endearing? After waking last night with an unusually high fever and no other symptoms, Elisa took her Tylenol and "fizzy water juice" (seltzer with a splash of juice) and returned to bed in a deep groggy haze. Considering all the surfaces in the airport and plane that she ran her hands across before shoving fingers in her mouth, it's no wonder she picked up something. But still, a sick kid is no fun and it never fails to surprise you when out of nowhere the fever starts. Elisa woke again about 6 hours later in the midst of another raging fever, only this time accompanied by dry heaves that had me racing to remove the stuffed animals, blanket and pillow from her bed. As I tried to get her to sit up in case she actually vomited (which thankfully, she didn't), she started apologizing for everything. "Mom, I'm sorry...I didn't mean to." It was so pathetically sweet. After more meds and a little more juice, she got tucked into bed with her blanket and animals surrounding her once more. As I wiped her brow, I told her to try to go to sleep and that I was going to rest too. Suddenly she perked up and asked, "Mom, you have your blanket?" "Yes, I do," I said with a renewed sense of tenderness for this little girl who deep in her own misery was concerned about me. It's definitely not my idea of a good time, but playing nurse isn't the worst job in the world. At least you get a few moments like that to show you how much it means to have someone you love take care of you.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

I saw the photo and just KNEW she was sick. Oh man, poor Elisa...and poor momma. I hate it when someone you love is sick like that. It the core. I hope she is better very soon...and that the dry heaves don't turn in to anything more than that. :( Give her hugs from us!