Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Our latest addiction

More and more lately, Elisa is getting her point across in a variety of creative (and mostly non-verbal) ways. Take for example this afternoon's latest fad--watching a video from her favorite TV show Yo Gabba Gabba. This segment of the show features a famous rapper, Biz Markie, teaching kids some basic "beats." His huffing and puffing is enough to make anyone give it a try. Since we've been watching this on Nacho's iTouch occasionally while we lay around in the morning, Elisa has really developed a flair for beat boxing. She loves to puff air while bobbing her head around whether she's watching the video or just requesting it again and again. More importantly, there is a kid at the end of each segment that introduces him/her-self and usually adds, "and I like to dance." In this clip, it's the wildly flailing Oskar whom Elisa A-D-O-R-E-S. All you need as proof is the end of this video clip. The girl goes nuts. Seriously nuts.

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