Monday, June 11, 2018

Recital Mania

Don't let the smiley photos deceive you. I knew this year's recital schedule was going to be brutal. And it was. With two longer shows (now with intermission!) spaced further apart and dress rehearsals still the day of, it was a marathon dance Sunday that I couldn't wait to be done with. Not exactly the end of the year extravaganza I've looked forward to in years past. But it was also Elisa's turn to receive her fifth year of dance award and after watching friends receive theirs before her, she was psyched. So we made the best of it and I buckled up for a long day...
And really, in the end it was survivable. But not without alcohol and some gallows humor laughter with Nacho as we sunk into our seats for the second round. Hitting a nearby Mexican cafe in between was another saving grace, but I could tell the girls were a bit stir crazy and ready to be done with things. Elisa performed twice in both shows and Carolina danced for a total of 3 minutes in the first show only. So out of the near 10 hours we dedicated to it that day, the six year old spent 3 minutes engaged in the activity. Not exactly a good payout for all that time. I'm trying to understand how things got to this point and how we as parents can make it better. But I'm not that optimistic. So yeah, we'll see what next year brings. Right now, I'm just glad we made it out alive. 

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