Sunday, May 14, 2017

Making my own day

Mother's Day is no longer a day that I feel I have to wait and see what happens. It's really just like every other day, except that I make shit happen that I WANT to happen. And I try really hard to prioritize what will make me happy while simultaneously giving my family a chance to spoil me. So yes, I ordered a few dozen donuts from my favorite bakery in Brooklyn. And then I sent my husband out to pick them up, thus allowing for him to also make a flower run. And then I scheduled a donut brunch at Carmen's so we could see her and her mama on this special day. And we also invited José and Irene over too so we could share the sweet treats. Bringing people together with food is always a win for me, and so why not on Mother's Day? I got to see some of my favorite moms and got to drink mimosas and chill. And that was pretty fucking perfect. So no, I don't run off for a massage or a pedicure or some kind of alone time. I was happy to spend the day with my girls--the creatures that made me a mom. But I don't feel like a martyr of motherhood on my special day. I feel like my family wants to treat me right...but they still need a little help. That's why I pick up the phone and make it happen. It's why I handed the camera over and said "take my picture." It works. And I don't feel bad for asking. 

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