Tuesday, May 23, 2017

First Field Day

I almost didn't make it to Carolina's first Field Day this year. I was this close to sending Nacho and using the time to work on the Memorial Day Fair for the park. There is still a lot to be done and not a lot of time left, but somewhere in the back of my brain I figured I can't do this over again. I wanted to be there and so I decided to make it a priority. What's a few hours out of my busy week when I can see this girl smile and jump, spin and kick? I'm glad I went and even happier I took my camera to capture a few of the highlights. The kids are such hams and so eager to goof off on a day like this. What fun they had. And I have to say that after a few years of attending Field Days for Elisa, this was run with almost military precision. What a change from the first year when they still hadn't divvied up their groups and it was approaching 10am. Ha. Oh yes, every year we all learn a little more. I was actually surprised this one wrapped up by 10:30am and I was heading back home. 
I've written before about my own love of field days from my childhood. And this hasn't changed. It's almost as if just the idea of the free day outside takes me back to elementary school and that end-of-year feeling we all miss. It feels like summer is getting closer and freedom with it. And that's perhaps overstating how Carolina sees it now. But maybe in time she will associate all of those things with her own memories of this day. So yeah, glad I didn't miss it. Some things are worth taking the day off for. 

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