Friday, January 2, 2015

Girl Scouts Forever

January 2015 already and I'm still not done with December's posts. So here goes...before the hubbub of Christmas really hit, we had a few fun things going on. Like Elisa's Daisy Scout Investiture Ceremony on Saturday, December 20th, the day after school let out for Winter Break. It was the perfect opportunity to see what the girls have learned so far and get to hang out with other families since I've been pretty much using it as a drop off activity thus far. So we sat and listened to them take the pledge and then do some singing. The girls were excited to have us there, you could see it. And though it wasn't the same symbolic ceremony as I remember my sister having when she crossed over the bridge to go from a Brownie to full fledged Girl Scout, it was sweet nonetheless. It's also kind of nice that she is in there with so many other familiar faces from our playgroup and the park. Afterwards, made a trip to Peter Pan Bakery to honor her achievement...and okay, my yearning for fried dough. But seriously, I hope Elisa will stick this out for at least the year if not longer. She often complains about getting out of the house for activities like dance or scouts, but once she's there, she seems engaged and happy. I feel it's partly my duty as her mom to make sure that she tries a few things to see what she likes. And getting to earn badges, have sleepovers and dance to silly songs isn't such a bad thing. I'm pretty proud of her and I think she is too.

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