Saturday, January 24, 2015

Snowy Saturday

This was the extent of our Saturday and after several hours of wondering what I could do to make it more fun, more exciting, I gave up and just surrendered to the snow. We walked to the playground and tossed some snow at each other and the girls made slushy snow angels and danced around a pre-made snowman that towered over them.  It was perfect. And we almost made it home without tears.  Elisa decided at the last minute she wanted to head to the other side of the park, but alas, it was getting colder with our wet clothes on and I was ready to warm up inside.  Knowing there was hot chocolate (okay, "warm" chocolate according to Carolina) waiting for us made it even better. Yes, this is what a wintery day in the city should be. We played outside just long enough to say we did it and then spent the rest of the cozy afternoon inside peering out from high above the street. 

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