Monday, June 9, 2014

Hi, this thing on?

Just a quick hello to mention that I've done some sprucing up around here. Nothing major. Just a little paint job and a few tweaks. The photos are bigger and, hopefully, getting better. And I am trying to add more parenting commentary in over the next few months. There are just so many little moments every day that I seem to savor and then forget about. I really want to explore them in my writing and not just make this a string of posts about what we've been doing or where we've been. I love that too, but it's just the surface. Every day with these kids I learn more about them and myself.

Carolina is changing so much this year and I can really see her eyes searching for words and making more and more sense with each conversation. She is so smart and quick and yet still so easy to please. Her temper tantrums are almost comical. And Elisa too is growing like a weed, eating everything and about to lose her first tooth. Any. day. now. Seriously, she has two bottom teeth that are hanging on by a thread. I tell her every night while brushing that if she'd just let me yank them, she could make some money. But alas, no. She tells me, "they will come out when they're ready, mom." Okay, so she does know best. We're still making progress with her outbursts, though the good cycles always end with a string of bad weeks. Elisa is in her very core a conflicted child. So happy and radiant one minute, and yet so full of drama and tears the next. Sometimes I think she loves to be upset. I'm trying to recognize that and not just convince her to change. I have to remind myself that she is still only five.  Yes, these girls are the best no matter their moods, and I feel lucky to be their mom. Every day. Even when I'm screaming mom, mean mom, mad mom, or happy mom. I'm still mom. I'm trying not to react so much myself. But it's hard. I need more practice.

So the blog will continue in its 6th year and we will work on that together. Sound good? Thanks. And hey, comments are always welcome. I don't blog because I need the feedback. I would truly do this just for my own record. But since I'm sharing, please drop me a line if you are reading along every once in a while.  It doesn't need to be about me--just a story of your own is fine too. Or tell me what your kids are like. Send me a cool link to a blog you love or a place you think I would like.  Tell me about living in the city or the burbs.  Share in the joy--or the misery--of modern parenting. Because, let's face it, everyone needs a little encouragement now and again. 
Cheers and happy blogging!

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Yes, I'm getting recommitted to blogging also. I realized that this stuff makes me happy, even if no one is reading but me! Glad to hear you are there also!