Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Dressin' up

On Sunday morning, I promised Elisa a little dress up photo shoot time since she saw the photos of Carolina I took last week and wanted to get in on the action. Nacho was working and I thought it might be fun to have some friends pop by to help us out. Within an hour we had Zara traipsing through the door with wigs and shimmery dresses and boas to boot. Elisa was in heaven, but posing for me wasn't her favorite thing.  She just wanted to parade around in costumes without my art direction. Oh well, once again the two year old proved a more willing subject.  I managed to get only a few photos before Elisa retreated to her room to play. Meanwhile, Zara was very eager to help out, since I think she feels very comfortable in front of the camera. We snapped away and after while I gave up and let them do their own thing. Later, after nap Elisa asked if we could take more pictures. The light was fading but I did take a few more. She was much more pleasant that time around and so I told her we'll try again on another day. My beautiful Elisa. It's always the wrong time and yet, she still lights up before the camera. She knows what she likes and being my little model isn't it. But who knows, maybe on another day. I'll keep trying.

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